| 1. | We opened a white pagoda to the port . 左舷方面看出一座白塔来了。 |
| 2. | As the sun set we docked at fengdu so that we could see the beautiful sun setting behind the white pagoda 5当太阳落山时,我们停在了丰都码头,这样就可以看到日落白塔后的美丽景色。 |
| 3. | Located in the west city of beijing , built in the 8th year of zhi yuan ( 1271 a . d . ) and completed 8 years later , the miao ying temple has been well - known for the great white pagoda 妙应白塔寺坐落于北京市西城区阜成门东,因寺内雄伟壮丽的藏式大白塔而享誉海内外。 |
| 4. | South of the white pagoda on jade flower islet is the yong an temple of lamaism . the shanyin hall , a structure of glazed tiles in imitation of wood , is 4 . 4 meters wide 白塔正南为一组倚山而筑的寺庙建筑群永安寺,曾是喇嘛烧香礼佛的地方,善因殿为寺的组成部分,位于白塔前,仿木琉璃结构。 |
| 5. | The small island is connected with the circular city by yong an bridge , a giant white pagoda rises on top of it . in summer lotus blossoms bloom in the lake surrounding the island 是北海公园的主体,四面临水,南有永安桥连接团城湖中菱荷滴翠,碧水映天岛上万木苍郁,殿阁栉比巍巍白塔立于琼岛之巅,成为北海公园的标志。 |
| 6. | Morning tour takes us to the white pagoda mountain and five spring mountain park . after lunch fly to xian . upon arrival , we visit the ancient wall , the bell tower , and the big wild goose pagoda 兰洲市区游览,访兰州八景之一白塔层峦的白塔山白塔山下雄伟壮观的黄河大铁桥,随后前往隔著滚滚黄河,与白塔山遥遥相望的五泉山公园。 |
| 7. | The white pagoda was designed by a well - known nepalese architect and technologist arniger , filled with buddhist treasure by master renqin jianzan , both of whom recommended by master ba siba 白塔始建于元至元八年( 1271年) ,由元世祖忽必烈亲自勘察选址,一代宗师八思巴择派国师亦怜真与尼泊尔著名工艺家阿尼哥分别负责装藏和建造事宜。 |
| 8. | The white pagoda , upside - down alms bowl in design , is the biggest buddhist pagoda of the yuan dynasty ever discovered and preserved in china , being the oldest buddhist pagoda in beijing area 七百年来,几经沉浮却坚如磐石的白塔英姿不减当年,如今已成为最重要的元大都遗迹之一,更是汉、蒙、藏民族团结和中-尼两国友好往来的见证,具有很高的历史、文物和艺术价值。 |